Valida tu idea de negocio en 3 meses

Un programa de formación, mentoría y conexión pensado para proyectos en fases iniciales que quieran nacer ciberseguros.

What the program consists of


90 hours of online training + face-to-face workshops with experienced entrepreneurs. Effective presentations, value proposition, business models, metrics, product development, UX, legal, finance, investment... Everything you need to launch your project with guarantees.


You will be assigned a mentor and as many as you need to address specific points that are levers in your growth. An extensive community is waiting to accompany you.

Mentors will work with your team on the pitch to present your project to the market.


Events in the ecosystem, customized actions, thematic breakfasts and the possibility of working in an environment of entrepreneurship and innovation. We connect you with the world of entrepreneurship so that you can focus on growing your idea.

Frequently Asked Questions

🟧 Who can sign up?

If you have a project or business idea that you want to make a reality, you can sign up. We are looking for projects in all areas, with a technological base, that want to be cybersecure from the beginning.

Sign up now, don't miss the opportunity!

🟧 #INCIBEemprende.

This program is possible thanks to the collaboration with INCIBE, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience plans financed by the European Union.

Upon completion, you will receive an official certificate of completion.

🟧 How does the program work?

The program consists of training sessions in synchronous online format and several face-to-face moments in which workshops and workshops will take place, in addition to the final Demo Day where the projects will be presented to a specialized audience.

🟧 Program benefits

In addition to training and mentoring by expert entrepreneurs from the Tetuan Valley community, this program provides access to a series of benefits valued at more than 150,000€ to cover initial needs in areas such as Cloud Computing, payment platforms, access to financing, etc.

It is a completely free program.

🟧 What are mentorships?

Each project will be assigned a "lead" mentor who will accompany them throughout the program. Once we know the specific needs of each team, more mentors from all areas will be added to accompany them in their growth.

🟧 And the dates?

El programa es intensivo y su duración es de 3 meses. Las sesiones formativas serán online y en horario de tarde.

At the beginning of the program, a complete schedule will be shared to organize your attendance. In just 3 months, your project will be ready to become a reality.