Innovation in Mental Health: Projects That Are Changing Lives
If you want to know how mental health and entrepreneurship can be brought together, then this will be right up your alley. Here you can learn about startups in this area and what they think about the technology and the challenges they face.
Agile and Lean, two empty words?
In the context of startups and innovation, the words "Agile" and "Lean" are common and often used interchangeably. Although Agile and Lean share learning values, confusion between them persists. Both focus on learning and hindsight, with Agile being more forward-thinking and encouraging starting before reflecting, while Lean takes a more traditional stance by establishing hypotheses.
Sustainable Innovation
In the Tetuan Valley community, a group of startups not only embrace sustainability as a principle, but also challenge boundaries to build a greener, more inclusive future. From innovative energy solutions to edible utensils that reduce waste, these companies not only define sustainability, they live and manage it on a daily basis.
TV Startup School 23rd Edition: Meet the Protagonists
This edition of the Startup School will be held in a hybrid format, combining face-to-face and online sessions to facilitate the participation of startups from different locations.
There are 11 entrepreneurial teams that are part of this edition. A brief description of each of these teams and their projects, which cover a variety of areas, is provided.
The Startup School and its legacy of mentoring: from the orange t-shirt to the black t-shirt
The Startup School not only trains successful entrepreneurs, but also cultivates a thriving and collaborative entrepreneurial community. Through mentorship and ongoing engagement, Tetuan Valley leaves a significant legacy in the startup ecosystem, fueling the growth of new companies and connecting the leaders of the future.
Boosting women's entrepreneurship in cybersecurity
We closed the second edition of Women4Cyber Startup School, which we organized in collaboration with Women4Cyber Spain, celebrating the success of a program in which 9 cybersecurity startups led by women participated.
Glossary of entrepreneurship
Thinking about entrepreneurship? Check out our Entrepreneurship Glossary with 10 key terms every aspiring founder should know.
Women founders: an opportunity for innovation and change
We asked women entrepreneurs in the community what they would say to women starting out in business.
The importance of diversity in teams
Discover the importance of diversity in building a productive, innovative and successful startup team. Learn about the opportunities to be part of the Tetuan Valley community.
Trends for startups in 2023
We gather the most important news of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, with trends in technology, business models and financing, among other topics.
Startup Law: What it is and how it affects us.
STARTUPS LAW - A review of the main features of the new law to promote the startup ecosystem. What it is and how it affects us.
5 cybersecurity graduate startups led by women
The five women-led cybersecurity startups that participated in the first edition of Women4Cyber Startup School successfully graduate at Demo Day.
Cybersecurity startups founded by women: Women4Cyber Startup School
Five cybersecurity startups founded by women who have participated in the Women4Cyber Startup School program will present their projects at Demo Day
Design Thinking step by step: develop your entrepreneurial idea
Develop your startup or entrepreneurial idea with Design Thinking. With this methodology you will be able to generate innovative solutions and ideas and better understand your target audience.
Blue ocean and red ocean, where is your startup?
Position your startup by choosing between red ocean and blue ocean strategies to achieve your goals and launch your entrepreneurial project.
5 things I learned by pivoting my startup: from Fixme to Uelz
María Luque, co-founder of the startup Uelz, shares her entrepreneurial experience pivoting the startup from Fixme to the present day.